Beverly Jones
A former attorney and corporate executive, Beverly Jones has been working for almost two decades as an executive coach. Her clients range from high performing senior leaders, to newly-appointed managers. While coaching, Bev also has continued to deepen her expertise as a leadership, career and workplace consultant, including through her appointment at Ohio University’s Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service, her two books and other publications, and her long-time podcast, Jazzed About Work, on NPR.org.
Beverly’s ideal clients are leaders in all career phases and professionals at all ages who want a nonjudgmental and truly interested listener and thought partner to help them:
- Observe the big picture, spot opportunities and take a fresh look at challenges
- Frame language around their issues and build communication skills
- Develop deeper understanding about their professional and personal aspirations and preferences
- Define goals, create action plans, and achieve results
- Support well-being and flourish at work and in life
Beverly’s focus is on helping clients to build resilience, enhance performance, manage time and energy, improve communications, navigate transitions and difficult situations, and create engagement.
Beverly’s select credentials
- Leadership Coaching Certificate, Georgetown University
- PCC, the International Coach Federation
- Certificate, Kennedy School Program for Senior Managers in Government
- J.D., Georgetown University Law Center
- M.B.A. and B.S. in Journalism, Ohio University
Areas of Expertise
- Executive Coaching
- Leadership Consulting
- Career Consulting
- Workplace Consulting